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Local Second Graders Make Animation


Local Second Graders Make Animation

“My face, your face, millions of faces in morning’s mirrors, each one yawning to life, crescendoing into our day.” from One Today, by Richard Blanco

Second Graders at Springfield’s Elm Hill School all drew faces to animate part of Richard Blanco’s Inaugural poem, One Today. They made and decorated all the paper cutouts to illustrate the varied scenes, then worked with Melissa Post two or three at a time to film the animation. One child moved the figures a small amount, then the “camera person” took three photos and repeat over and over. The camera person and the animator then switched roles. It takes 18 shots for one second of film! Next the powerful words of the poem (slightly abridged) were recorded with the movie.

See the One Today animation at

Melissa and production assistant, Diane Kemble, are volunteers and Board Members of Gallery at the VAULT. They’re also retired Springfield teachers. Thank you to the wonderful staff and students of Elm Hill School and to Claremont Savings Bank for funding expenses for materials, a real community effort,

Melissa uses Stop Motion Studio Pro which can be used on an iPhone, iPad, or Android devices. Melissa and Diane are enthusiastic about teaching Stop Motion Animation workshops. For further information, contact Melissa at or Diane at

Diane Kemble



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