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Springfield Art Gym Celebrates with Springfield Chamber


Taylor Drinker (Membership & Events Director at SRCOC), Sue Dana (Chamber Board Treasurer),

Mona Frye (Springfield Art Gym), Wendi Germain (Springfield Art Gym)

The Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce was thrilled to hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony with Springfield Art Gym to celebrate a new location and for 6 years of staying on target even when the world is still changing all around us. Springfield Art Gym thanks everyone who made time to help celebrate! First located at 3 Main Street, then 62 Clinton Street, and now operating at 335 River Street, the Art Gym continues to grow in service to our community. In every location, we've been taught multiple life lessons about people, the cause of community preservation, and the stuff that dreams are made of. We've learned that ART has a life of its own, and can move people to a place of serenity with very little effort on our part. Art happens TO US. It brings peace and calms the cares of this world. To those who rolled up their sleeves in the beginning, creating content and forms, building websites and social media - we salute you, and EVERY volunteer who's been beside us along the way, we thank you. There've been waves of dreamers and inventors through these doors. People of all ages and backgrounds. All with a vision of a safe and healthy place in our community where people can gather for fellowship and exercise their creativity here in Springfield, Vermont. We made it through the season of lockdown, providing craft kits and online classes for our friends at Lincoln Street. Now that we are finally handicap accessible, friendships are being renewed as we enjoy life with fewer restrictions. All of us at the Springfield Art Gym THANK YOU our community for believing in this outreach. Your gifts of supplies and financial contributions keep our doors open. With more volunteers being trained as we speak, we should soon be able to add Wednesdays and Saturdays to our schedule. We have a standing invitation to any local artists to rent our space to instruct their craft and enjoy its bright and cheery atmosphere. Friends can email us at Finally, we want to draw attention to our tireless volunteers who continue to sort supplies, unlock the doors, put out the OPEN flag, and create video content for our online supporters. Week after week, with no return other than the joy of being with fellow creatives, our team of servants guide and coach our friends of all ages to just have fun with Art. Will you please join us in celebrating our team: Mona Frye, Wendi Germain, Shelley Wheelock, Debra Piletz, Merrilee Fortune, Christopher Vickery, Robin Sidler, Jess Lacross, Linda Batchelder, Linda Clickner, Jacque Stoncipher, Laurentia Batchelder, and Laura Fonseca-Morlock. For more information, visit Springfield Art Gym's website: and find them on Facebook

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