We hope you are all faring well and enjoying the gorgeous spring weather! It’s wonderful to be getting outdoors and starting to reconnect with friends, businesses, and neighbors! We’re optimistic about all that’s to come as things progress with opening back up this summer! That said, we do need to announce the postponement of our Vermont Apple Festival & Craft Show until 2022. Planning is a year-long process that requires a huge amount of effort of our staff and volunteers and currently we are still emerging from recovery after the challenges of COVID and we’re in strategic planning mode at this stage.
Although it saddens us to skip another year, we are so grateful for everyone’s ongoing involvement - and, we’re excited to announce that the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce will be partnering with the Springfield Farmers’ Market this year to help boost their outdoor gatherings, and particularly to bring an Apple Fest-like atmosphere to their final 2021 market which will be held in their usual location in the grassy area at 294 Clinton Street on the Saturday of Indigenous People’s/Columbus Day weekend (October 9th). We’re so lucky to have such a determined and resilient Farmers’ Market in our community, providing area-sourced healthy fresh food options and locally made crafts and goods. Please also follow their Facebook page to stay in the loop! https://www.facebook.com/Springfield-Farmers-Market-110988175911223/. And we encourage local vendors and crafters to consider getting involved, and to reach out for more information: http://springfieldvtfarmersmarket.com/.
We're so fortunate to be living in a state that has managed to keep the spread of the virus under control - that is something to be truly grateful for, and we look forward to seeing y’all at the Springfield Farmers’ Markets this spring, summer, and fall! We want to thank our Apple Festival staff, volunteers, vendors, sponsors, guests, and all of you for your continuing involvement, and while we will miss seeing your smiling faces at Riverside this year, we look forward to reconvening with all of you on October 8th, 2022!
Best Wishes, Stay Safe, and Happy Spring!!
Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce Vermont Apple Festival Coordinators 56 Main St, Suite 2 Springfield, VT 05156 info@springfieldvt.com 802-885-2779